When the logo for the London Olympics was unveiled in June 2007 at the cost of £400,000 there was significant public uproar due to both the cost and how terrible it looked.
Despite public pressure, the International Olympic Committee stood fast on keeping the logo, with no flexibility. In other words, this particular logo was very important. Why?
There are many interpretations spread about the net, all intended to dissolve the true symbolic meaning behind the logo. It has been claimed to look like a swastika, a runner and even Lisa Simpson but these are all ridiculous diversions.
On first glance you can easily make out the numbers 2012, but why the random 'dot'?
Here's why (image credit: Ian Crane):
Are we to believe that the London 2012 Olympics are going to facilitate the implementation of Zion - the 'New Jerusalem'?
To recite William Blake's poem 'Jerusalem':
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
An 18th century writer, artist and esotericist, William Blake had connections with Freemasonry. Was this early work a declaration of the esoteric agenda, for all to see? After all he was 'involved'.
The 1972 Munich Olympics Connection
The Wikipedia page for the 2012 London Olympics draws a strange comparison between the 2012 logo and the logo used for the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany.
"BBC Sport acknowledged that 'London 2012’s new logo has got the country talking', and compared the innovative design to that of the logos of Mexico 1968 and Munich 1972"
The 1972 Munich Olympics were host to the first 'official' global terrorist attack, in which 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month - 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization. The Olympics were host to 121 countries.
Returning to pyramid numerology and the significance of the number 11:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
In essence, the 1972 Munich Olympics provided the first world stage for global terrorism and the inclusion of the significant number '11' was anything but a coincidence.
The 2012 Stadium Design Video
Hypothetically speaking, if 2012 is to see London established as the 'New Jerusalem' for a New World Order (a global government under a one world religion)... how could this be achieved?
We can safely assume that a stereotypical terrorist attack is no longer sufficient to implement a global unification strategy. In essence an event is required with the magnitude of a biblical second coming, a threat from outer-space - or even both? An event with the capacity to create all as 'one'.
In the film Fight Club, a scene depicts Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) inserting a frame of pornography into a movie whilst the audience in the cinema watch. Most of them don't notice it on a conscious level, but they did see it and it did enter their brains. This demonstrates how subliminal programming works on the subconscious, and it happens to all of us - everyday.
A video released by the 2012 Olympic Committee depicts the construction phases of the new Olympic stadium. Talk about provocative imagery...
Since when was the London Olympics affiliated with small flying saucers, projected "blue energy" beams, a big 'Independence Day' style mothership and huge robotic street walkers? Who came up with this concept?
Time stamps of note:
0.40 minutes = 11:11 symbology with the 4 chimneys
1.00 minutes = UFO's flying around the London "All Seeing Eye"
1.40 minutes = Independence Day style mothership
2.00 minutes = Robotic street walkers in the streets of London
This video serves one purpose - to plant a seed in your mind.
The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Video
The year '1984' has become synonymous with the George Orwell book of the same name.
"1984 is about life in a dictatorship as lived by Winston Smith, an intellectual worker at the Ministry of Truth, and his degradation when he runs afoul of the totalitarian government of Oceania."
This famous novel introduced the concept of 'Big Brother', symbolised by an "All Seeing Eye", and in recent years has been the basis for the reality TV show. At its core, '1984' represented life under the New World Order:
'1984' has become a talisman of fear for the people of England, Europe and the rest of the world. It makes sense that, today, those deliberately disseminating fear around the globe would use that talisman against us.
The '1984' Los Angeles Olympics marked an opportunity for such a symbolic event.
The closing ceremony for the 1984 Olympics involved a UFO flying over the Olympic stadium and communicating with the audience. The UFO eventually lands, amid smoke and lights, at which point an alien steps out and greets the public.
Considering the 1984 Olympics had no other connections to UFO and alien phenomena, the only logical reasoning as to why this happened was again to plant a seed in the public's mind and to judge our reaction.
Olympics 2008
At 8.08pm on 8th August 2008 (08/08/08 - an illuminated number for sure), the Beijing Olympics will commence.
Shortly after the 2012 Logo and Stadium video were released, the 2008 Beijing Olympics committee revealed the motto for their games:
"One World, One Dream"
Now you could argue that this fits the mission statement for the Olympic Games, but it also fits the mission statement for a New World Order with only one more 'games' to go before 2012.
The Olympic Rings
Given the connections with the year 2012 and the Mayan calendar, it's possible to view the 'Olympic Rings' under a new light.
The 5 rings 'officially' represent the 5 continents, but as with all things occult, is there a duality?
The logo was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French Freemason and founder of the 'modern Olympics'.
His statue at the Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta is very revealing. Notice the 'step pyramid', surrounded by the 'Two Towers' with the Olympic rings flocked by doves above.
The ancient Mayan calendar incorporates a 25,765 year cycle known to us as the 'Great Year'. This cycle is composed of 5 lesser cycles of around 5,125 years each. The current cycle is due to end on 21st December 2012 at 11:11am UST.
Do the 'Olympic Rings' signify the 5 cycles of the Earth's death and rebirth, with each of the cycles connected like a chain? Who has been in control of the Earth through these cycles? Who is the 'Lord Of The Rings'?
The 2012 Games
Without doubt there is imagery and word play at work connecting a significant event to the 2012 Olympics:
* The 2012 logo which spells 'Zion'
* A movie which could insinuate an alien visitation
* A 1984 Olympics ceremony which stages an alien visitation
* A slogan which spells out the plans for a 'New World Order'
* The Olympic Rings and their connotations of cyclical time
The rabbit hole deepens...
Part 2: The Logo's Creator
Part 3: The Zion Street Plan
Part 4: Beijing Olympics 2008 : Zion & The Fifth World
Part 5: The Olympic Torch Relay & The Religion Of The NWO